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Planning Board Minutes 05/07/2009
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
May 7, 2009

Members Present:  Tom Jameson, Richard DeBold, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, Richard Moore, Kevin Mara, Mike Valotto, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Chairman Jameson opened the meeting at 6:35pm.

The Board welcomed new member Mike Valotto.

The Board acknowledged Ms. Joanna McIntosh's long and dedicated service to the Planning Board of almost 11 years.  Ms. McIntosh began serving on the Board on May 7, 1998.  Her valuable input and contribution will be sadly missed.

The minutes of April 2nd were reviewed. Through discussion it was decided to strike the second half of the last sentence of Page 2 Paragraph 2.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Arell.  Motion passes.

Mr. Mara and Jamie Pike were nominated to full commission members of the CNHRPC.

Heritage Commission: Lucille Noel
Lucille Noel and Barbara Frangione were present to provide an overview of the recently adopted Heritage Commission.  Two handouts were presented to the members detailing the purpose of a Heritage Commission and what projects other Commissions have done in their Towns.  Ms. Noel requested a volunteer from the Planning Board to sit upon the Commission.  As adopted the Commission required 2 Planning Board members, but pursuant to RSA 673:7 not more than one member of the planning board may sit on another Board or Commission.  It was explained that the first few meetings of the Commission will be to establish bylaws and rules of procedure as well as develop a long term agenda.  It is not expected that the Commission will meet more than 4 to 6 times per year.  Mr. Jameson volunteered to be the Planning Board representative to the Heritage Commission.

Discussion:  Bobcat of NH, Map 4 Lot 150C, 9 Dover Road, Signage Review
Mark and Jeff Blanchard and Dan Hutchins of NH Signs were present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

Mr. Hutchins presented the Board with plans for the removal of all existing freestanding signage and the location of the proposed sign.  It was explained that the proposed sign is 80 square feet being derived from the base 64 sq/ft allowed with an additional 16 sq/ft being allowed due to the excess frontage of the site.  NHDOT has been contacted and a representative will delineate the ROW so the sign is setback properly from the side of the road.  The Board was in agreement that an additional 24 sq/ft of signage would be available to the applicant due to the topography of the site.

It is noted that the proposed signage includes an LED electronic message board.  The Board recognizes that this is not permissible within Town Zoning as found in the lighting ordinance.  It was explained by the applicant that the message shall be static in nature and will not be moving or fluttering.  The Board discussed permitting the use of electronic message boards through future zoning changes with regulations regarding the length of time that a message must appear before being changed.  If the applicant wishes to be permitted an electronic message board, they were directed to appeal to the ZBA for a use variance.

The Board discussed the procedure for sign approval when not submitted as part of a site plan
A motion was made to approve a new sign with incremental increases of 16 sq/ft and 24 sq/ft due to the excess frontage of the site and the topography of the site respectively with total signage not to exceed 104 sq/ft.  Such approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
  • The sign shall be consistent with the plans and information provided.
  • The sign shall be setback at least 55 feet from the centerline of Dover Road.
  • The sign shall meet and conform to all Chichester Zoning Ordinances
  • The sign shall not exceed a height of 35 feet.
  • Detailed sign design and a plot plan detailing the location of the sign shall be submitted to the Building Inspector at the time of application for a Building Permit.
  • The sign shall not contain an electronic message board unless a variance is granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
  • The sign shall meet any and all requirements set forth by the NH Department of Transportation.
The above motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Brehm.  Motion passes.

Impact Fee Revision:  Sharon Wason, CNHRPC

Ms. Wason was present this evening to discuss with the Board the scope of the project currently contracted for.

The basic scope of the Impact Fee revision project will include:
Review Zoning Ordinance
Identify the Current Situation
Check for changes to State laws
Review the CIP
Research Growth Trends
Recalculate Impact Fee Schedule

The review and update will also include the drafting of any needed changes to the Impact Fee Ordinance, the evaluation of current Planning Board Fees, the evaluation of departments that do not currently receive any impact fee funding.  Ms. Wason shall prepare an in depth scope of the project for presentation to the Board ofr the June Meeting.

Ms. Wason invited everyone to the Annual CRNHPC meeting to be held on June 11th.

Ms. Wason also informed the Board that she has been charged with preparing the Regional Housing Assessment for each community within her jurisdiction.  This process also includes of calculating each communities fair share in accordance with each of 4 models developed by the NH Housing and Finance Authority.  It is expected that these results will be presented to each of the communities in regional meetings to be held in August.  Chichester has volunteered to host one of these meetings for the surrounding towns.

Impact of Regional Development, Bartlett Subdivision, Depot Road, Epsom, NH

As stated during a previous meeting, there is a 42 home development proposed on Depot Road in the Town of Epsom.  The Town Assessor and Road Agent were asked to for comment on the proposal.  The assessor does not feel that the portions of two of the parcels that lie within the bounds of Chichester are difficult to assess and would not require that the Chichester portion be a part of only one lot. The Road Agent was supplied with a copy of the Traffic Study submitted by the applicant.  He does not believe that the traffic counts included in the study are accurate.  Through discussion with the CNHRPC, these counts do not represent accepted standards of traffic and also do not represent traffic counts relative to the high-volume of summer traffic.  CNHRPC will be reviewing these counts and collecting new data.  The Road Agent was also asked to review the condition of Depot Road to determine if it was suitably constructed to handle the anticipated increase in traffic.  Mr. Plunkett (Road Agent) stated that when the bridge was built, the approach from the Epsom side was widened, but the west side of the bridge leading to Route 28 is too narrow to handle the additional traffic.

The Board shall send correspondence to the Epsom Planning Board stating their findings and to request a third party review of Depot Road, at the Applicant's expense, to determine if Depot Road will require upgrades as a result of the proposed development.

Other Business
Mr. Plunkett reviewed with the Board his participation on the Route 28 Corridor Study.  He participated in the group the reviewed the Main Street/Depot Road/Route 28 Intersection.  Several suggestions were provided to alleviate congestion, excess speed and through truck traffic on Main Street.  One possible solution provide was to eliminate the southbound ìon rampî to Main Street and reconfigure the intersection into a four way intersection.  A final report on the study is currently being drafted for distribution.

Mr. Pike stated that he has had a recent question regarding the installation of a small wind energy system.  The Board was provided with legislation that is to become effective July 1st regarding such systems.  It was determined that in the absence of local regulation, that the system would be allowed.  The Board shall ask the applicant to adhere to the regulations set forth in RSA's 674:62 through 674:66.  This information shall be forwarded to the applicant.

Being no further business a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

Thomas Jameson, Chairman